The Bilge Pumps

Bilgepumps Episode 60: Another Take Two, Afghanistan, Infrastructure and having a Maritime Strategy

Episode Summary

#Bilgepumps has always wondered if it could end up getting ahead of the news, and this time we seem to have done as the original episode 60 was completely out of date (and terrible sound) almost as soon as it was recorded... The Take 2 has weathered better but still it is worth noting, this was recorded on 14th of August 2021. As usual it is Dr Alex Clarke, Drachinifel & Jamie Siedel. So Bilgepumps is now well past the year mark, and honestly we appologies for the recent technical snafus - we didn't have them when we began, but as we're transitioning software they seem to be creaping. We are though as said, getting the impression it's liked, so we will be going as long as it is. We would also very much like any comments, topic suggestions or ideas for artwork to be tweeted to us, the #Bilgepump crew (with #Bilgepumps), at Alex (@AC_NavalHistory), Drach (@Drachinifel), and Jamie (@Armouredcarrier). Or you can comment on our Youtube channels (listed down below).

Episode Notes


1.      Dr. Alex Clarke's Youtube Channel

2.      Drachinifel's Youtube Channel

3.      Jamie Seidel's Youtube Channel



Sea Control Podcasts

CIMSEC Maritime Strategy

Afghanistan Railways